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BZHPC - Bayreuth Centre for High Performance Computing

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Welcome at the Bayreuth Centre for High Performance Computing

The "Bayreuth Center for High Performance Computing" (BZHPC) is a central scientific institution of the University of Bayreuth. As an interdisciplinary center that crosses the boundaries of departments and faculties it supports research projects for which scientific computing is of central importance. More than 30 scientists from 5 faculties of the University of Bayreuth are members of the BZHPC. The center is supported in its activities by the IT Service Center of the University of Bayreuth.

One of the central tasks of the center is to provide on-site computing facilities. On the one hand, these allow for rapid development work in the field of high-performance computing and innovative new projects. On the other hand the center supports research projects in many different fields, ranging from basic research to concrete applications. The BZHPC thus makes a significant contribution to the success of central collaborative projects at the University of Bayreuth.

The BZHPC supports scientists through coordinated applications for the acquisition and maintenance of hardware, and the organization of the shared use of HPC resources. In this way, synergies are leveraged and existing resources are used optimally in the interests of sustainability. The computing resources are made available within the framework of the cross-chair and cross-faculty HPC Keylab.

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Webmaster BZHPC

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