Example .tcshrc
- btrzx2,3,4,5Einklappen
# General
#============================# Set alias commend 'q' for user specific qstat
alias q 'qstat -u bt123456'# Set the prompt
set prompt="%B%n%b %U%M%u [%c2] %# "# Set the prefered group used by PBS
setenv PBS_GROUP vivaorg_10150040# Remember last 10000 commands and keep 500 for the next session
set history=1000
set savehist=500# unlimit stack size
limit coredumpsize 0#============================
# btrzx5
if ($CLUSTER == 'btrzx5') then# Load environment modules
module load compiler/intel-cluster-studio-2015#============================
# btrzx2
else if ($CLUSTER == 'btrzx2') then# Load environment modules
module load intel_parallel_studio_xe_2016_update4#============================
# btrzx3
else if ($CLUSTER == 'btrzx3') then# Load environment modules
module load intel-cluster-studio-2016endif
- btrzx1Einklappen
# General
#============================# Set alias commend 'q' for user specific squeue
alias q 'squeue -u bt123456'# Set the prompt
set prompt="%B%n%b %U%M%u [%c2] %# "# unlimit stack size
limit coredumpsize 0# Load modules (Note: likwid/5.0.1 depends on intel/
if (${HOST} == "l1") then
module load intel/
module load likwid/5.0.1